Stop by for a visit

As I was out rollerblading with my boyfriend today, I began to think about how people don't just 'stop by' anymore. When I was younger, we used to go around on our bikes or rollerblades and show up at people's houses just to say hi or stay for a short visit. These days, people don't do this much. I'm not sure if it's just something we do when we're young, or if the practice has stopped all together.

My best friend, Rachel, lives a few streets down from me. I used to show up at her house all the time completely unannounced. Today, I decided to do it again.

As I was rollerblading down her street, I felt guilty for just showing up without calling first. I don't understand why. She's my best friend, i've known her and her parents since I was 5 or 6 years old. It wouldn't be awkward at all, even if she wasn't at home. I ended up calling her before I got to her house. She wasn't home, but we decided to stop anyway to see her new dog.

It got me thinking of the idea of community. I live in south St.Vital, a pretty nice area and known to be very family friendly. I've lived in the same house for all my 21 years but have only ever known one of my neighbours. People on my street don't talk to each other. The kids don't play with each other. Street hockey games are never played anymore. I don't even know my neighbour's last name anymore. The only time we ever talk is when the sewer on the street is clogged with leaves and my dad and the next door neighbour go out with sticks and try to dislodge it.

I'd like to think I live in a community where my neighbours would call 9-1-1 if they saw something suspicious going on at my house. If my house caught on fire or someone was robbing it, they would have our backs. But I don't think if anyone would. We all just keep to ourselves.

Is everyone nowadays just too scared of the world? Or maybe just caught up in their own affairs, so they overlook the importance of knowing thy neighbour?

Everyday when I walk to school from my parking lot, I pass by a woman who is a crossing guard. She has a perma-frown. I always say hi to her and she smiles. I can tell she enjoys when I pass by. When you're walking in the city and someone smiles or says 'Hello', you might find it weird and maybe even become a little creeped out. Why is this?

Winnipegers fill up the Whiteshell, Falcon Lake, Lake of the Woods, Grand Beach, Winnipeg Beach, Gimli, Victoria Beach etc. during the weekends during the summer. When you go there, everyone waves to each other. Everyone says hi. Everyone seems so..friendly. It's like, when all these people leave this city atmosphere, they let their guard down. Maybe they just feel safer. It's the same people, just in a different atmosphere.

Maybe every community just needs a ring leader, someone to make the effort to connect everyone. Without it, everyone feels silly to step up and be the 'weird one'.

Maybe I'll step up and be that person. Ya, I think so.