the intro

pennies. the lowest end of the coin chain.
No one really cares or even notices when they loose a penny.
Pennies often sit in your pocket, your purse or on your dresser for a long time before you figure out what to do with them.
Pennies are my thoughts, opinions and my perspectives. They sit somewhere within me, with no place to put them to good use, although I do know they hold value.

what to expect:
I don't have a very focused topic. I like to look at people around me and notice things and write. It could be about anything that evokes emotion.
The other thing I will do lots is a series of something i'll call Writing on the Wall. I enjoy doing photography and lately i've been taking a lot of pictures of things that are written on the wall. Random quotes and jibba jabba written on bathroom stalls or bus seats. So you'll probably see stuff like that.

Hopefully I will become more focused once I start writing!


Kenton Larsen said...

Good start!

And way to pose with a snake strangling you...yikes!

Melanie Lee Lockhart, APR said...

Yes, I was just thinking... please don't bring your pet to my class!